The Adventures and Musings of a Conservation Biology Graduate Student

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Who Called This Meeting?

The other day, when I was moving my traps from the Jet Rec area to the pasture land along Hwy 11, I noticed something extremely odd. Although, to be fair, Emily noticed it first, and pointed it out to me. We were driving past Cottonwood point (which is a stop off Hwy 38 to see the reservoir (there's also a boat ramp there, but I've been told numerous times it's not a good one)) when Emily pointed out all the many, many Turkey Vultures sitting in the trees there. We pulled off the road to take some pictures, and notice more along the ground. Just...sitting. We slowly drove up and saw nothing dead or out of the ordinary. They were just sitting. Together, all hanging out. My guess is they were talking about where all the good eating spots were along the highway.

But, after thinking about it, I realized that what it really reminded me of was this:

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