The Adventures and Musings of a Conservation Biology Graduate Student

Saturday, August 11, 2007


For those of you just tuning in, I have another blogspot - But apparently, I am no longer able to sign into it. I did the whole gmail thing, and then I'm showed that I acutally have no blogs left on my account. After a couple of loops with their email system, I decided I would just give up and start over.

So. Going from where I left off, I finished the capstone class (and got an A, thank you very much) and moved on to my last year at Oklahoma University. I graduated magna cum laude in May with a B.S. in zoology. I thought for sure I would be starting graduate school this month, but due to several hangups (mostly there being no money available for me at my dream grad. school), I will be taking a year (or so) off.

For the time being, I'm working. At the moment, I am an intern for the Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge. If you don't know where or what that is, that's fine. I didn't either. It's the unknown jewel of Oklahoma. It is located Northwest of Enid and East of Alva. Because of all the rain this summer, it is beautiful up here. Everything is very green. I have been told many times that it was not this pretty last year. As the name suggests, there are salt flats up here. The flats bump up next to the Salt Plains Reservoir (the first man-made lake of OK) . The flats, the reservoir, and the many marshes and wetlands make the refuge a wonderful stopping place for migrating birds and shorebirds. Ploves, pipers, egrets, pelicans, terns, herons, cranes, and the fun birds of prey (eagles, owls, hawks) can all be seen here throughout various times of the year.

I am just finishing up my 3rd week here on the refuge. I have been writing about my experiences and my job on another online journal. I'm going to go ahead and re-post them here, in an effort to do a better job keeping up with blogspot (lest they close another blog of mine!)

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