The Adventures and Musings of a Conservation Biology Graduate Student

Saturday, August 11, 2007

New Home - July 20, 2007

Well. I am super crazy tired, my back is super crazy sore, and the humidity and temp (even though is it practically 7:30) up here at the Salt Plains is outrageous (in a super crazy kind of way).

However. I am moved in. I am no longer a resident of Norman, OK; Cleveland Co. I am in God's Country circa Jet, Oklahoma; Alfalfa Co.

The house I'm living in for the next three months has exceeded all my expectations. Every room is big, especially the kitchen and bathroom (which, for those of you who frequented the condo know that's a big change for me). With a little house warming additions a la Jenn in the way of pillows, pictures, candles, dried flowers, and one beautiful black piano, the "bunkhouse" has really become a place to call home.

And, best of all, I have my very own washer and drier. That makes me so happy. I haven't had one of those since I lived in the sorority house, and even then I had to share with ~60 other girls. Sadly, there is no dishwasher. But I'm so happy about my washer and drier that I don't even care....yet. Random note: I'm gonna have to get used to a twin bed all over again. I've been able to sprawl out on a full for 3 years now. Heh. I'm so tired though, I doubt I'll much notice the difference.

I met the girl who hired me, and we had a nice, long chat. She's great. A lot younger than I thought she'd be. I'd call her my boss, except that I'm getting the impression that everyone here is going to be my boss. I got my schedule today, keeping in mind that everything is open for change. Next week I'll be working with one guy on the Least Tern censusing (it's a bird. Here: I'll let you know what is "least" about it when that knowledge becomes available. After next week, I'll be working with another boss on Texas horned lizard censusing. On Saturdays, for the most part, I'll be working the front office, and Sundays and Mondays will probably be my days off. And - drum roll please - it looks like I might be able to get off for the whole of Austin City Limits. YAY!!!!!!! Go check out who's gonna be playing this year, and maybe you'll see why I'm so excited. Namely - Muse, Blue October, the Killers, Amy Winehouse, Regina Spektor, Arcade Fire, the list goes on and on.

But I digress. Back to the biggest shift in what has become a lifestyle for me: internet is no longer available at my fingertips. While the new bunkhouse is, in fact, brand new, big, and comfortable, it has no internet and no way to fix that. (no cable, either, but that's not such a big deal. I prolly watch too much tv as it is, and what I do watch tends to be reruns. Damn, digressing again!) So, how am I communicating to the world at large? Well. The office, which is right next door to my house has a computer just for me. Well, not really. It's the "anyone without an office with their own computer and internet hookup" computer. (AWAOWTOCAIH for short.) I can use it whenever I want when I'm not working because I have my very own key to the office. Pretty cool, huh?

Let's see. I think that's about it for my update. And, as I thought, it takes about 3 hours to get here, mas o menos. And I want to give a huge public THANK YOU to my dad for being my hero. We had a fun, if physically exhausting, day today. More importantly, there was no way I could have gotten all this done without him.

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