The Adventures and Musings of a Conservation Biology Graduate Student

Friday, September 7, 2007

Rainy Day

So far, nothing very exciting has happened today. It's Friday, and it most certainly feels like it. There's not many people here. Emily had her last day yesterday, and Curtis and Jon both have today off. And with this rainy weather, there's not much to do but inside work. It's like I'm back in school again, just watching the clock hand move like a slow decrepit old man.

Of course, I checked my traps this morning. Again, nothing very exciting. In the Northern drift fence I found yet another fence lizard. This one was a little girl - denoted by her gray coloration. No pictures because she was too quick for me! I also caught another hispid pocket mouse. He was young and small and completely cute. As Curtis is not here, and Ron has the only specimen he'll need, I happily let this little guy go. Only after he took some pictures for me, though.

As for the rest of my day, I'm going to research some more environmental education stuff. It seems a good rainy day type project for me. Especially in light of the fact that I will be doing a whole elementary school by myself next week. At the moment, though, I have only one thought. And thought is, Coffee....

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